Friday, March 30, 2007

Robbie Picks A Winner!

This weeks winner on Robbie's MySpace page
Badfish with She's Madonna (Scottie's Reinevntion Mix) (12.04.07)

Donny the 2nd winner (02.03.07) with the self titled mix "Donny". Check it out on Robbie's MySpace page.

Armijo was the first to have his mix, "Outernational space port" of She's Madonna to feature on the Robbie Williams MySpace page. Well done...

Every week for 10 weeks Robbie will be picking a mix to feature on his MySpace page, so who will it be? If you've made a mix of She's Madonna it could easily be you... Check post for updates

If you'd like to a make spin of She's Madonna click here and you too will have the chance to have your mix on Robbie's MySpace page.