Friday, September 29, 2006


The winners for the 'Big Big Disgrace' remix competition have been announced by Glideascope. After some serious listening to all the mixes on the site, the top 5 mixes and their corresponding prizes are listed below:

FIRST PRIZE: iPod Nano!!!
Andres - Glide-a-Scape Remix

SECOND PRIZE: iPod Shuffle
DJ Karl P - Big Big Disgrace - dj Karl p Remix

TheSavant - 25 cents to a dollar

FOURTH PRIZE: Signed Album
NightHuntA - Pied Piper

FIFTH PRIZE: Signed Single
Xezzy. - Reel to Reel Remix

Plus the following people all win a promo album sampler:

TheMusicMaster - The MusicMaster REMIX
I'm Spartacus - Ruffneck Mix
Sin - Noruff
Blogdon - Echo Hall Mix
Klezmertronic - Cleaning up the classroom

We will contact all the winners to ask for your mailing address so the prizes can be sent out to directly.

Congratulations to all the winners and many thanks to Glideascope for making the track and encouraging all the members in their efforts.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Max Sedgley in YourSpins

After the runaway worldwide success of 'Happy', Max Sedgley is back with some laidback summer grooves in the shape of 'Slowly'. The .di track is the starting point for millions of different possible mixes - and all of them would be great! Don't mess about - get spinning now.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Glideascope remix update

We haven't forgotten about this, but Glideascope is still listening to all the mixes and will be announcing the winners of the main prizes next Friday.

Until then you can still win a spot prize of a Big Big Disgrace EP by making a mix and submitting it to YourSpins.

Get to it!

Friday, September 15, 2006

News update from YS

You may have been wondering what we have been up to behind the scenes here in the YourSpins office. Well, apart from sweating away in the tail-end of the London summer, we have been doing some very exciting stuff, but can't reveal all just yet. I'm such a tease! We should be able to tell you more next week.
What I can reveal is that we have some fantastic tracks ready to go live on the site very soon and for all you Mac users out there, our Quicktime plug-in is very nearly ready to go. Soon you can enjoy the high-quality audio of .di files like PC users have been able to with the Windows Media Plugin for a many months now.
Enjoy the weekend and keep on spinning!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Get yourself heard!

Want to improve your listen count for the wonderful mix you've just made? Well you need to do a bit of self-promotion to get yourself heard!
Once you have made your masterpiece, you can mail it to your friends (with a link via email, or using the 'Send to friend' function on the spincards), you can post a link to your mix on your favourite forum, you can even post the mix in a mini-player on your myspace page or personal website using the 'Blog this mix' link on the mixpage on YourSpins. As an example, here is the latest mix of Coldcut from YourSpins embedded in this page. All listens through this player count on YS!

What else?
Well, a personalized ringtone from your own mix is sure to get people talking too. In the spincard mode, click on Ringtone to select start and end points for your personalized ringtone. In moments of whimsy we like to call them 'spintones'.

Have we missed something else? What else can you think about to promote your mix on the web?