Friday, April 28, 2006

Read all about it!

OK - as of today, all blog postings related to YourSpins will appear on here. I will also keep writing in the main Digimpro blog, but this is the place to be for specific news about our remix community.

You will notice that we are putting together the new design for the site. When this is ready and implemented, we will invite the first 100 beta-testers into the site. This should happen in the next few weeks.

Also, we have some big news next week. You will hear it first on here!

Have a good weekend y'all.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Still here!

Two months is quite a long time to leave between blog postings, but to set up a blog and wait two months before posting on it is a little ridiculous! Sorry about that, but we have been busy working on getting to beta - and also updating our other blog at

So, what's been going on? Well, if you haven't been reading the other blog, then you won't know just how much has happened in the last 2 months. Right now this is the state of play. We have many people signed up for beta-testing - but we are not open for beta-testing yet. We have 95% of the planned launch functionality in place and are currently implementing a new design for the site.

The new design should make navigation easier and also should direct people more to listening and mixing than the previous design. We have also added lots of nice interaction features like chat, instant messaging, mail and personal messagboards as well as the regular kind of forums.

So - when we have the new design in place and the remaining 5% of the functionality developed, we'll be sending out those beta invitations to everyone who signed up.

And what do you get for being a patient, early-adopting, beta-tester? Something cool. We don't know what yet, but if you were there at the start - you'll be rewarded with some kind of great power or gift.

OK - time to get the designs in place, fix the bigs and open the doors.