Friday, September 29, 2006


The winners for the 'Big Big Disgrace' remix competition have been announced by Glideascope. After some serious listening to all the mixes on the site, the top 5 mixes and their corresponding prizes are listed below:

FIRST PRIZE: iPod Nano!!!
Andres - Glide-a-Scape Remix

SECOND PRIZE: iPod Shuffle
DJ Karl P - Big Big Disgrace - dj Karl p Remix

TheSavant - 25 cents to a dollar

FOURTH PRIZE: Signed Album
NightHuntA - Pied Piper

FIFTH PRIZE: Signed Single
Xezzy. - Reel to Reel Remix

Plus the following people all win a promo album sampler:

TheMusicMaster - The MusicMaster REMIX
I'm Spartacus - Ruffneck Mix
Sin - Noruff
Blogdon - Echo Hall Mix
Klezmertronic - Cleaning up the classroom

We will contact all the winners to ask for your mailing address so the prizes can be sent out to directly.

Congratulations to all the winners and many thanks to Glideascope for making the track and encouraging all the members in their efforts.


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