Sunday, July 30, 2006

New URLs, no more weirdness.

UPDATE: It seems there is still some weirdness going down. We have reverted back to the old URL structure for now. We'll get on to fixing it tonight. Sorry about that. -- YS Team.

Hey y'all. We spent a large part of Saturday in making changes to the server and architecture of the site. As a result you may have experienced some anomalies, disruptions or general weirdness with the site over the weekend. Our apologies for this. Specifically the 'save to web' feature should work again now. On the plus side, we have a bunch of nice, shiny new URLs. Your homepage - for instance - should now be There are a whole load of other readable, predictable, hackable, guessable URLs - which we will blog about later. In the meantime, thanks to Tom Coates, whose excellent presentation on this subject was the inspiration for the change.


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